Appreciating the difference of potential child

Written By afradad on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 8:33 AM

Let's take a moment out to the home page, or let us come to a park or forest, `look at the plants around him, how beautiful, diverse plants grow, colorful flowers - colorful, melodious chirping of birds, all complement the beauty of this world.
Imagine if we could not see the diversity, we can only see one color of flower or one type of plant, what a boring world. Without the difference we can not enjoy fully.Likewise in education, each teacher will always deal with all sorts of differences in behavior and the desire and talent and interest in their students.
Unfortunately, not all teachers are able to see differences as something fun and exciting. Many teachers feel tortured because of the differences that occur in every individual learners, as if they were not able to enjoy it.
Various forms of anger in their students a teacher, usually caused by the difference, whether differences in interests, talents, or abilities
Actually, the difference is not something that can be avoided. Every child is born with the differences and uniqueness of each. Starting from the physical differences, patterns of thought, joy, and others. No one was every thing in this world together, even though the similarity is not always profitable.
Let us ponder for a moment, what if in a class all liked math but did not like another lesson, then anyone who likes to study science or social studies? Differences of interest & talent not to be used as a tool to scold a child because they were born different. Many positive things can we get with different children. However, these positive things can we get when we have the following thoughts:
First: Think positive to the learner to appreciate the difference. Suppose the difference talents and interests of children as a wealth in the classroom, thus we will view and act appropriately to all learners.
Second: when teaching children, pipe the potential and interests of different - different in the right position (kullu syain maqomun), thereby to achieve the goal to develop the potential of each - each learner
Third: Never underestimate the students, whatever and however their condition or interest - each learner we must treat them with something they should receive well
Fourth: Find information that much detail - detail about the biodata of the students, this information can be obtained from parents, previous teachers, friends and the behavior of a day - the day the learner's own
Fifth: after knowing the actual information about students, many - many are reading books, newspapers, magazines or other sources of knowledge relating to the uniqueness of the differences, interests and talents of children and how to react to it. This was done so we have enough we are more precise reference for each difference in guiding learnersfinally stop looking for differences in children, because if not, then a teacher will lose the spirit of happiness in teaching


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