Great way Communicate with Children

Written By afradad on Friday, November 11, 2011 | 3:26 PM

Communicate with the child's not easy. Many of them desire the unknown by adults. They have personalities and feelings that are different from adults.
Therefore, the need for techniques to be able to understand what he feels and wants. There are three simple tips that might be done to understand how the world of children:

First, define their world.

It's important to know the child's world from the perspective of children, not parents. Parents need to talk to the most simple language with children. From the start the conversation with complicated language and as 'patronizing', would be better to ask in their language.

For example, if you see a child who is sad because her parents divorced, do not say "I know you're sad for what happened to your parents". Try asking a simple thing "Arya, what do you do if you're a father?"

Asking the question, but can find out the opinion of the child, can also reveal what is hidden in his mind. If parents are building a situation that can vent their emotions, the child will be comfortable. He will be more open and able to tell more of his personal situation.

Second, share with their the world.

Playing is the most conventional technique but telling the child to express emotions. Customize your child's age. Playing the 'mother' may be a pretty good idea to be able to understand it. Children play the role of parents, while parents play another role. Notice any given expression and emotion. That way, parents can see how the views of children towards parents.

Third, enter their world.

Art becomes an effective method to communicate with children. Most children will draw when they are not comfortable speaking verbally. Begin to ask children to draw the show daily. If the child merasanya comfortable, you may also need to show her your pictures. Sharing pictures, sharing emotions.


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