Position Determining Achievement

Written By afradad on Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 4:37 PM

Children often have difficulty concentrating in school for several reasons. Many children are easily dispersed because the concentration of noise disturbance or the presence of other children.

According to psychologists, the seat was indeed able to affect students' ability to concentrate. There are some children who can sit near the teacher focus. There is also children who are easy to focus when sitting in the back. Find a seating position for children that allows it to be able to stay focused and not easily distracted by other things like looking out the window.

Eye contact is also sufficient to maintain the child's focus of concentration. With good concentration, the child will get good performance too. This is similar to words that are frequently asked kids 'determines the position of achievement'.

That the concentration is not disturbed, teachers need to get rid of the things that might lead to concentration problems in their students. Quite important for teachers to provide interlude entertainment for students after they finish a lesson.

Should students be given the opportunity to rest for some time so as not to saturate. This rest period can be used with the positive atmosphere of the class without making a noise, such as drawing.

Parents can practice concentration in order to focus on school children. Parents need to know whether the child has problems with his classmates who make children become unfocused. If your child is often not the focus because they feel hungry, you signify that you have to prepare their food for him.

Children should have a fixed schedule of homework every night to perform tasks and learn on their own. During learning, the child should be avoided from the television or music. Parents should provide opportunities for children to learn without any distractions.

Teach children to be able to focus through puzzles and games staregi. These kinds of activities that could require full concentration and can teach your child to focus on a subject. In addition, this method can also be used for fun at the same time. These skills can improve the ability to listen carefully and critically.


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