Things that Affect the Baby's Head Shape

Written By afradad on Friday, July 22, 2011 | 2:05 AM

Parents often hear that certain sleeping position can make a baby's head become abnormal. Some things are known to affect the baby's head shape.

Most newborns have an oval head shape or uneven, especially if delivered vaginally because it must pass through the birth canal. In other cases, sometimes changes in head shape due to spending too much time in one position.

In the baby's head will look no soft area on the top of the skull where bone has not grown together. This area is called fontanels (crown) that helps the baby through the birth canal narrow. This will harden Fontanels naturally when aged 6-20 months.

The size of the baby's head will continue to grow along with increasing brain volume. But because the baby's skull bones are still malleable, then spent too much time in the same position could lead to changes in the form of a baby's head, as quoted from Mayoclinic.

Before it hardens fontanels area, then the baby's head shape can still change, one way is to change the baby's position as when he was asleep.

Baby's head shape is the most common molding that looks somewhat oval when viewed from above, but when viewed from the back is flatter on one side and the ear on the flat side may look like going forward.

Head shape is most common in babies who spend most of his time lying in bed, car seat or infant seat. Even so, there are some things you can do to keep the baby's head shape is:

- Changing direction, if the baby is often slept with your head tilted to the left then change it facing the right, if necessary to give a booster in the back to make it more stable position.

- Holding the baby's head, when the baby is awake try to hold the head in order to help reduce the pressure and hold the baby's head while he was eating.

- Try to place the infant in theprone position while playing or sleeping, but with close supervision, especially if the baby is not strong enough to with stand the weight of his head.

- Try to be creative so as to provide a new baby's point of view and not stuck on one side, for example, providing a stimulus in the form of sound or a particular toy.
2:05 AM | 0 comments

How You Can Identify Autism Before Age Twelve Months

Written By afradad on Monday, July 4, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Autism is also called a very complex developmental disorder in youngsters, usually show signs and symptoms prior to the child is 3 years old. Actually, it presently has produced an approach to screening for infants aged twelve months.

Screening techniques were produced by a team of pediatricians in North Park, U . s . States and it has been examined on a lot more than 10,479 babies annually old. The newborn is really a patient of 137 pediatricians.

Utilizing a simple questionnaire that may be completed within five years, parents or care providers of kids were requested to reply to concerning the behavior of the child that has covered the presence or lack of eye-to-eye contact, voice, words, gestures, recognition objel along with other types of communication.

Babies who're considered not pass the exam alias show signs and symptoms of autism was known towards the North Park Autism Center for Excellence for more evaluation every 6 several weeks to three year olds. From the 346 children who have been known, 184 children accompanied evaluation a minimum of two periods.

Generally, screening is performed would be to have predictive value arrived at 75 %. In the evaluation, 32 children identified with autism, 56 identified with speech delay, 9 children struggling with developmental delay and 36 children identified with other kinds of developmental delays.

Meanwhile, the kids identified with autism. Nearly all beginning therapy at 19 several weeks is really very early in comparison with other children. Frequently new parents getting children towards the physician once the child was 3 years old which means it's past too far.

"This screening program is extremely promising because it may be implemented and without any cost. This screening method may also be completed in everyday clinical practice, "authored the scientists, Karen Pierce, assistant professor of neuroscience at UC North Park.

"There's strong evidence the treatments are completed early to possess an optimistic impact on brain development. This is exactly why the chance to identify and initiate therapy at that time in regards to a years old child is essential to improve the possibility growth and development of the kid, "he stated.

An extremely prominent characteristic of autism may be the attitude of kids who will not worry about the atmosphere and also the people around him, as though declining to speak and interact, in addition to reside in their own world. Kids with autism also provide difficulty comprehending the language and communicate vocally.

Autism may happen to anybody, knows no ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic conditions, and intellectual condition from the parent. Evaluations between boys and women who've the autistic disorder is 4:1. Intelligence of autistic children varies, from very vibrant to very inferior.
12:00 AM | 0 comments

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