Appreciating the difference of potential child

Written By afradad on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 8:33 AM

Let's take a moment out to the home page, or let us come to a park or forest, `look at the plants around him, how beautiful, diverse plants grow, colorful flowers - colorful, melodious chirping of birds, all complement the beauty of this world.
Imagine if we could not see the diversity, we can only see one color of flower or one type of plant, what a boring world. Without the difference we can not enjoy fully.Likewise in education, each teacher will always deal with all sorts of differences in behavior and the desire and talent and interest in their students.
Unfortunately, not all teachers are able to see differences as something fun and exciting. Many teachers feel tortured because of the differences that occur in every individual learners, as if they were not able to enjoy it.
Various forms of anger in their students a teacher, usually caused by the difference, whether differences in interests, talents, or abilities
Actually, the difference is not something that can be avoided. Every child is born with the differences and uniqueness of each. Starting from the physical differences, patterns of thought, joy, and others. No one was every thing in this world together, even though the similarity is not always profitable.
Let us ponder for a moment, what if in a class all liked math but did not like another lesson, then anyone who likes to study science or social studies? Differences of interest & talent not to be used as a tool to scold a child because they were born different. Many positive things can we get with different children. However, these positive things can we get when we have the following thoughts:
First: Think positive to the learner to appreciate the difference. Suppose the difference talents and interests of children as a wealth in the classroom, thus we will view and act appropriately to all learners.
Second: when teaching children, pipe the potential and interests of different - different in the right position (kullu syain maqomun), thereby to achieve the goal to develop the potential of each - each learner
Third: Never underestimate the students, whatever and however their condition or interest - each learner we must treat them with something they should receive well
Fourth: Find information that much detail - detail about the biodata of the students, this information can be obtained from parents, previous teachers, friends and the behavior of a day - the day the learner's own
Fifth: after knowing the actual information about students, many - many are reading books, newspapers, magazines or other sources of knowledge relating to the uniqueness of the differences, interests and talents of children and how to react to it. This was done so we have enough we are more precise reference for each difference in guiding learnersfinally stop looking for differences in children, because if not, then a teacher will lose the spirit of happiness in teaching
8:33 AM | 0 comments

Most Watch TV and Play Game, Speaking Ability Little Stagnates

Written By afradad on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | 9:24 PM

LONDON-The parents again warned to accompany their children when watching television or playing games. The reason, besides negatively impact the child's psychological, watch too much television and play games also inhibit the ability to speak the child.

According to British researchers note, nearly 100,000 children aged 5 years in the UK have less verbal ability Even the official statistics say most children in England do not have the ability to think and speak well enough.

Originally, investigators concluded that the issue of genetic causes of the lack of verbal skills of children in the UK. However, after further investigation, investigators found the lack of the parental role when seeing their children watching television and playing games.

In fact, according to the assumptions of researchers, parents can accompany their children by acting as a "detective" or "advisers" who then discusses what children watch and play.

Jean Gross, the British government's communications adviser, said the tradition of eating with family is one concrete solution to catch the children while developing their language skills.

"We know the number of conversations to determine the success of children develop their language skills. It cannot be obtained when the TV to be around kids all the time. Conditions that would reduce the number of conversations that in turn inhibit the development of language, "he said as quoted, Wednesday (11 / 5).

Therefore, Gross expressed his support for campaign Hallo, a campaign aimed at stretching the communication in children and adolescents in homes, daycares, and schools.

According to Gross, 82 percent of parents who ask about the many ways to develop children's ability in speech, language and communication. In fact, he said, the way is quite simple, that encourage a child to talk, discuss and discuss many things. In addition, Gross with reference to the Dundee University research, said activities like singing along with children's songs and view the photo album is another way to improve language skills of children.

In addition to invited talk, Gross also stressed the importance of repetition of new words, so train your memory. The strong memory according to Gross will facilitate the use of vocabulary in children when they socialize. Gross also suggested to each family to get used to play together with children. Added Gross, parents do not need to be fixed on existing games. According to him, should also innovate to create their own game.
9:24 PM | 0 comments

Lifestyle Affect Child Health

Written By afradad on Monday, May 9, 2011 | 7:42 PM

Age may be more sophisticated, but the health problems of children still remain a topic of considerable attention, especially for parents.

There are two health problems most commonly found in children in Asia in general, namely malnutrition and obesity. As a very heterogeneous continent, Asia has a high enough difference in terms of economic capacity as well as access to health care.

Professor Quak Seng Hock, Professor of Paediatric Department, National University Hospital, Singapore, in the event press conference ESPGHAN Postgraduate 2nd Asian Workshop on Thursday (3 / 3) to clarify if the level of child mortality due to malnutrition problems in particular are still very high.

"The problem of malnutrition in Asia include stunted growth and malnutrition. On the other hand Asia also experienced increased rates of obesity in children," explained Prof. Quak Seng Hock.

Prof. Quak Seng Hock further explain about the trigger factors of obesity in children is because it affected the lifestyle of the less active. "In the past, many school children walk from home to school, many children are now delivered with the vehicle."

"In addition, many children after school spent more time with playing video games or just remain silent in the house, many eating but very few moves, then it is possible that children become obese," he added.

While for many cases of malnutrition in children is associated with the low level of family food availability, poor quality of food additives and the high problems caused by parasites and other infections.

"The health of children not just mean freedom from disease or about the physical condition, mental and social, but also the drive to achieve the best potential in life," explained Dr. Bardiul.

So even if a child is physically in good condition, but his health could not be measured simply by looking at just physical. Thus the parent as the person closest to the child, should really pay attention to various aspects of child health.
7:42 PM | 0 comments

The easy way to teach children tell the truth

Be honest and say should be taught to children from an early age. The most important is to educate parents in a gentle way and provides a good example.

When Dylan Bocanegra was three, he always lie and blame the cat who kept his family, Bamboo, for almost all of naughty behavior. Especially since his mother, Eva-Marie Fredric, is a producer of movies and soap operas in Los Angeles, United States. When shown a picture of crayons contaminate the entire wall of the living room, Dylan said, Bamboo is doing it.

When the plastic bottle into the toilet? Bamboo is also known to do it. Smoke billowed from the TV? Yep, we definitely know who will be blamed. "Like most of a toddler, Dylan has the imagination and storytelling ability is high," said Fredric. "Our cat became a scapegoat for all the mistakes she did," he continued.

However, that incident a year ago. Dylan has grown into a sweet child, but some things never change. As with other preschool children, since the past until now, they always do as he wants to do and sometimes slipping off the truth. Preschoolers (ages 3-5 years) is being studied to understand the line between reality and fantasy.

Telling a lie or fantasize with high imagination is actually not an unusual way to explore the limits of behavior in this period.

Parents are often designed to react strongly to what they consider to be lies. However, this is true is not always the best way to handle the situation.

"At the age of 3 years often times parents will say, 'Wow, my son is lying. And I do not know what to do ', "says Tanya Remer Altmann, MD FAAP, a pediatrician and author of" Mommy Calls: Dr.. Tanya Answers Parents Top 101 Questions About Babies and Toddlers ". "But it becomes unclear lines between reality and what's in their imagination," he explained. Say your child is aged 3 years to spill milk on the floor. When you ask, 'Who dropped it?' And your child says, 'not me', this does not mean that your child is lying. "He might actually want to milk it does not spill. Or if the incident had lasted an hour ago, maybe he does not remember doing it, "said Altmann, as quoted from page Mark Bowers, PhD, a child psychologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States explains, anyone under the age of 5 years too young to understand what exactly is the lie. They do not have the same cognitive capacity as a child who has aged kindergarten began to learn the difference between right and wrong. "You do not have the authority to punish children in the future just because he did not admit anyone who spilled milk in the kitchen," said Bowers.

If you caught your child is scribbling on the walls, whereas before he did not confess, you may be tempted to hit him. However, most likely he will still dodge because it does not want to get in trouble and make you angry. Bowers says, is better explain to children how the rules are applied at home and do not forget to offer a solution. "For example, say that Mama has a rule at home that you may only draw on paper. So, now grab the soap and cleaning aids Papa, "he explained.

Usually, to avoid allegations to the child, Bowers refers to the Columbo approach or play dumb. To the child, you can say, 'Oh, Mama confused how this can spill milk huh? But it would be better if someone could help Mom clean it up '. Once your child to come and help you, give him support and praise when helped. "(Activities) This is an opportunity to teach your child what they should do in the future," said Altmann. "Unless it (the incident lie) which is really serious, leave the way all forms of punishment and change it to a child the opportunity to learn," she added.

Then how about a cartoon superhero or a world of imagination is true in the real world does not exist? "The soul of creativity is the center located at the highest point from age 3 to 5 years," said Bowers. Playing true imagination is part of the natural growth of children and important for development. Starting from the imaginary friends, figure superhero fantasy, wishful thinking or talking about places that have never visited the child such as Disneyland, probably occurred to them. You can help keep your child's imagination while teaching them how important the honesty. Do not worry if your child tells in detail the fictive trip to Disneyland.

Simply respond by saying, 'Yeah, you know, we've never been to Disneyland. But if we did go, what would you want to do? '. "If possible, have fun with him," said Bowers. "Join us so that she can hunt down what was in his imagination," he continued. Preschoolers often wriggled out of reality to get your attention. "You can encourage your child to tell the truth," said Fran Walfish PsyD, a child and family psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent.

One way, suggested Walfish, tell your child, "You have a wonderful imagination and when you say A, B, or C, Mama can not always know whether it's your imagination or real. Most importantly, what makes a person feel safe and comfortable between two people communicate is when we tell the truth and always say what is in reality ".

Most major, always think positive and do not be judgmental. "It is very important to you can say gently, without the accused, and put a sense of responsibility in the right place," said Walfish. "You have to give an understanding to your child with a good way," he added.

Also, use the language of his age so he can understand.
For example, you could say, "It's hard sometimes to tell Mama that you are doing (juvenile) this. You said that cats who do it because you're worried I'll upset you But you and Mom both know that cats can not do it. Mama is the type of mother who wanted to hear that you are doing it and then we can talk about other ways to get Mama's attention. "

Altmann ask parents to use positive sentences. "Positive words were more important to uncover the truth rather than just, 'Oh, you're lying'. I further agree not to tell parents that, "he said.

Leave away with such a negative stigma to call your child with a liar, Walfish said, labeling the child would make her feel bad because he had to hide something from you. "You certainly want to make relationships and open communication so that your child can tell you all things to you," he said.

You certainly do not need to wait for bad events happening with your child. Bowers recommends that you and baby reading a book together that encourages honesty, like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
7:04 AM | 0 comments

Apparently Naughty Children Intelligent Child

Delinquency of children is sometimes annoying parents. But this time parent maybe a little happier, the article of a psychologist study revealed that a naughty child is a bright child.

A psychologist describes a bright child is a child who likes to make trouble. This means the child has high creativity or including children are creative.

Children are generally able to find creative new things or managed to find a problem, and if it is seen further into the brain, the synapses-synaptic (meetings between the end of the nerve with other nerves) will look complicated.

He added that in this case the parents have to deliver what was owned by his son, for example, provide tools or something that can be done to distribute creative talents of the child.

Sides include creativity into one soft skill owned subsidiaries, in addition to creativity, there are also some other soft skills possessed by children, namely:

1. Confidence, there are children who have high confidence, but there also have stage fright as brave if in the house but once outside the house or meet other people he became quiet or shy.

2. Concern, a child who is already a concern since childhood. For example, he has just one cake but there are two friends, then by herself, he will divide the cake into 3 and then distribute one by one to his friends.

3. The initiative, there are children who are known to have high initiative so that it tends responsive.

4. Creativity, there are children known to have high creativity but some are not.
6:38 AM | 0 comments

Should Fear of Childbirth in Upper Age 35?

Written By afradad on Friday, May 6, 2011 | 11:29 AM

For various reasons, eventually you get married at the age of 35 years. This makes you happy, because now you can start building a family. However, there are fears that no longer young age will affect the chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. Are these fears reasonable?

Until 2000, one of every 12 babies born to mothers aged 35 years or more. That said Glade B. Curtis, MD, a member of the board of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in her book, Pregnancy Above Age 30.

According to him, first births to women in the age of 30 years in 1990 totaled about a quarter of all births in women that age group. Every day in the United States, nearly 200 women aged 35 years or more gave birth to their first baby. Shift in the age of childbirth influenced many things, among others, the more extensive role of women in the public sector, the advance of medical technology, and shifting the age of marriage.

After age 30, a woman may experience decreased fertility due to reduction in the number of healthy egg production, decreased production of female hormones, accompanied by a decrease in the number of sperm pairs, decreased frequency of sexual intercourse, and physical conditions that are no longer optimal.

However, controlling pregnancy and routine medical examinations to cope with the possibilities of complications arising during pregnancy in over 30 years. It's good we are aware of risks faced and trying to minimize as recommended by your doctor.

"Currently, many health workers measure the risk of pregnancy by the health status of pregnant women, not of age. Pre-existing medical condition is an indicator of women's welfare and health of her baby. A healthy woman aged 39 years does not seem to be experiencing problems such as pregnancy than women 20-year-old who suffered from diabetes. The level of fitness of a woman have a great impact on her pregnancy, "said Glade.
11:29 AM | 0 comments

Math Games

Math Games
Multiplying to 25 : five x five (5x5)

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
