Forming the baby's sleep patterns

Written By afradad on Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 6:52 AM

Child's sleep patterns greatly affect the physical and cognitive development. When sleeping at night, little organs produce and release certain types of hormones are three times more than when he is awake. If disturbed sleep patterns, this process also automatically be disturbed. Therefore it is important for the mother to help shape your baby sleep patterns.

Many people believe that the child's sleep pattern will be formed by itself. However, children often get caught up with sleep patterns that had long formed. If this has happened, the mother will find it hard to change the sleep pattern. In fact, for toddlers, bedtime is not just a break, but also an important time for growth.

Children who sleep less will experience vulnerability iregulasi endurance and endocrine systems. In fact, this could potentially be a trigger obesity. Cognitively, he will also be slower to react and difficulty concentrating. If he had started school, this course will have a negative impact on performance in the classroom. This is why it is important for the mother to establish good sleep patterns in children.

Prior to forming your baby sleep patterns, Mother need to find out first, what factors that disrupt sleep patterns. Does he feel his body dirty or not fresh, if he was hungry, whether her clothes are not comfortable, whether in the surrounding atmosphere is too noisy, or whether he was experiencing health problems such as asthma and allergies. If so, consult a doctor so that your child can sleep more soundly.

However, if your child is free from health problems, there are a few simple steps can take to help shape the Mother of sleep patterns: 1) bathed him with warm water, 2) make sure his stomach in satiety state before sleep; 3) put the nightgown that is soft and comfortable; 5) sing lullabies or read stories in a low voice; 6) let him holding his favorite toy.

If the mother is stressed during pregnancy, the mother remove stress hormones can also influence fetal brain development. As a result, once born, the child will often fussy, especially at bedtime. Therefore, cultivate healthy habits and stress-free since the pregnancy. Prior to forming a healthy sleep patterns for the baby, the mother also needs to apply the pattern of good sleep and adequate rest.
6:52 AM | 0 comments

What age children begin to be taught discipline?

Written By afradad on Saturday, November 26, 2011 | 9:42 PM

At what age children begin to be taught discipline? This is the question of plural surfaced among new parents. Discipline is often connoted with being assertive and a little "hard" in children.

If your child is 2 years old and threw the empty bottle after it, should we punish? Is not this the natural behavior of children? Similarly, other common questions.

Indeed, it teaches discipline can not be done immediately, but gradually. "The mistake is to assume equal parental discipline by punishing activity, whereas the actual discipline is to educate," said Deborah Roth Ledley prikolog PhD, author of Becoming a Calm Mom: How to Manage Stress and Enjoy the First Year of Motherhood.

When your toddler spilled food on the floor, for example, you can remind him that the way it is not good. Reprimand you, of course adapted to his age, and in an easily understood. And one more, "Do not by shouting."

Discipline, he says, is education from birth. For babies a year, for example, discipline is to socialize the children about the simple habits and teach him about boundaries. "The age of two years and beyond, you can begin to do so by giving examples of behavior," he said.
9:42 PM | 0 comments

Cultivate the Toothbrushing Habits Eearly Age

Written By afradad on Friday, November 18, 2011 | 2:36 PM

Dental health of your child should not escape the attention of the Mother. The importance of maintaining healthy teeth need to be nurtured Mother because children could not be separated from their favorite chew foods sweet and sticky at risk of damaging the teeth. Therefore, cultivate the habit of toothbrush as early as possible. Unfortunately, many underestimate the care of milk teeth because it only considered a temporary tooth. In fact, while the tooth is what later became the "guide" for the growth of permanent teeth.

The first thing to do is educate the Mother about the dangers of bacteria on the teeth. Among other things, an imprint sugars on the teeth can turn into an acid solution that makes cavities. In addition, food scraps left behind can grow bacteria which gradually erodes tooth enamel. All these problems can be avoided if the mother inculcate the habit of toothbrush in children since she was born.

Although baby teeth generally grow when entering a new age of six months, should make it a habit to clean the gums Mother born with special dental wipes are available in pharmacies. Because, at this time, children can not refuse to clean her teeth so she will be familiar with the mouth free from residual food or beverages. Toothbrush habits will carry over when he was growing up in the future.

Then, make that activity more fun to brush your teeth. Mother can accompany your child while you read a story or humming a song fun. That way, the habit of toothbrush would be a routine which she looked forward to. Needless to no more chasing chase scene through the house just because the baby lazy to brush his teeth.

Mother also can choose a toothbrush with a unique head-butt your favorite cartoon character your child, for example. That way, toothbrush no longer he regarded as something that should be avoided, but rather like toys that make cheerful and excited. Also, brush your teeth like this also usually have a softer bristles so that the intensity of the habit of toothbrush will not hurt the child's gums are still sensitive.

As for toothpaste, children under three years of not really need much fluoride. Therefore, Mother can choose a special toothpaste young children are available in various flavors of fruit-and even some bubble gum flavor. But, just use a little brush on the end because it was feared the ability of children are not perfect and rinse the remaining foam would come swallowed.

Lastly, do not forget Mother taught the correct way of brushing teeth on the beloved sons and daughters, with movement up and down or rotate, not sideways. That way, the dirt in between the teeth can be cleaned with a more perfect. If the tooth brush habit has been nurtured from an early age, your child will gradually adapt to brush their own teeth on a regular basis without prompting.
2:36 PM | 0 comments

Spend More Time with Your Child ... Here's How

Written By afradad on Thursday, November 17, 2011 | 7:10 PM

Sure you want to spend more quality time with your kids. But, business, busy household, shopping, until congestion makes 'dream' that often failed to materialize.

To make the most of a little time you have to create a quality relationship with your child, follow these tips. Oh yes, these tips adapted from the book adapted Diana Loomans, What All Children Want Their Parents to Know: 12 Keys to Raising a Happy Child (New World Library, 2005).

1. 'Message' is the time since now
Set aside one day a month on your calendar to spend with your child. Create blocks of time as important as any other promise - it will not change unless there is an emergency. The children will be proud to find there is a special block on the calendar for himself and his parents realize how important this special time for parents.

2. Practice the 'master' of fun
Any child over the age of one to admit syndrome 'half-listening' parents. The sign? If you get too much say "Hmm," "Not now" or "Can not you see Mommy (or Daddy) busy?" when the child tried to get you talking. Take the time to have fun with your child and give your full attention, even if it's just for a few minutes on your busiest days.

3. Change from time to time from quality to quantity
We often quibble: the importance of quality, not quantity, if sued about being together with our children. Instead, look for ways to pass as much time to create moments of fun and meaningful with your child. Remember, listening to him talking, laughing and joking together, or even just read a story for him, it is meaningful to the quality of your relationships and your child. Try it.
7:10 PM | 0 comments

6 Myths About Breastfeeding

Written By afradad on Monday, November 14, 2011 | 4:00 PM

Awareness of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding should continue to be implanted in every woman and expectant mothers. But unfortunately, there are still misconceptions in the community related to breastfeeding.

In fact, exclusive breastfeeding would provide a double advantage for both you and baby. So that no more myth wrong, here are a few things wrong that could trigger the failure of breastfeeding. These myths and false information needs to be clarified so that every baby gets the right to drink milk from her mother:

1. Without breastfeeding the child stay healthy
When viewed from the outside it looks healthy. But you know, that babies who are not breastfed are actually more vulnerable to exposure and allergic diseases such as eczema (skin inflammation), allergic rhinitis and asthma. Some studies show that babies are not breastfed have higher risk for diabetes and obesity later in life.

2. Small breasts means having less milk
Breast size is determined by fat tissue, which is not associated with milk production. Milk production depends on the size of mammary glands in the breast.

3. Breastfeeding makes breasts to sag
Breastfeeding does not cause breasts to sag. Engorgement of the breast is mainly due to aging and gravity. In fact, breastfeeding can help you speed up the slimming process by burning fat stored during pregnancy. Exclusive breastfeeding also stimulate spending contraction and hormones that help restore the uterus to its original size.

4. Breastfeeding is painful
Actually not. Although there are a number of mothers who may feel slightly swollen in the early stages, but this condition will not continue. If you still feel pain, this may be due to the baby's mouth does not suck the nipple and areola properly. Learn to help your baby to suckle in the right way.

5. Breastfeeding is troublesome
Breastfeeding is actually easier for you. You do not need to bring the equipment, do not have to worry about milk supply, storage and supply of milk. Other advantages, breastfeeding can be done at any time, anywhere and not have to cost you.

6. Busy working
Breastfeeding even for a few weeks or months, will provide benefits to the baby. Work is not a reason for you to stop breastfeeding. Ask for assistance to the maid in the house to give milk that has been first milking. Immediately store the milk in the fridge to keep your baby safe to drink.
4:00 PM | 0 comments

Five Daily Routine to Become a Better Parent

Written By afradad on Sunday, November 13, 2011 | 6:33 PM

The relationship of parents and children increasingly distant. In England, there is an interesting phenomenon: a five-year-olds do not know their first names, because such things were never discussed with their parents. How to become a mother, or a better father? Here are tips of a British organization that campaigned for the importance of being a better parent:

Every day, parents should be encouraged to read to their children for 15 minutes and talked with them for 20 minutes while the television is turned off.

They also have to praise their children when they do things well and often play with them on the floor for ten minutes and provide nutritious food.

The report's author, Chris Paterson, said scientific evidence shows that what parents do with their children is very important in brain development and skills of children.

"There is also evidence of a significant gap between parents who do the simple steps above compared with those not doing so," he said.

Parents, he said, should also study the development of children because they will not be 'automatic' know what to do.

His advice is actually good and reasonable. But in Britain, a problem when the state advised the parents to perform a number of measures to improve the relationship with the child. They read it as state interference in the process of parenting a family.
6:33 PM | 0 comments

Great way Communicate with Children

Written By afradad on Friday, November 11, 2011 | 3:26 PM

Communicate with the child's not easy. Many of them desire the unknown by adults. They have personalities and feelings that are different from adults.
Therefore, the need for techniques to be able to understand what he feels and wants. There are three simple tips that might be done to understand how the world of children:

First, define their world.

It's important to know the child's world from the perspective of children, not parents. Parents need to talk to the most simple language with children. From the start the conversation with complicated language and as 'patronizing', would be better to ask in their language.

For example, if you see a child who is sad because her parents divorced, do not say "I know you're sad for what happened to your parents". Try asking a simple thing "Arya, what do you do if you're a father?"

Asking the question, but can find out the opinion of the child, can also reveal what is hidden in his mind. If parents are building a situation that can vent their emotions, the child will be comfortable. He will be more open and able to tell more of his personal situation.

Second, share with their the world.

Playing is the most conventional technique but telling the child to express emotions. Customize your child's age. Playing the 'mother' may be a pretty good idea to be able to understand it. Children play the role of parents, while parents play another role. Notice any given expression and emotion. That way, parents can see how the views of children towards parents.

Third, enter their world.

Art becomes an effective method to communicate with children. Most children will draw when they are not comfortable speaking verbally. Begin to ask children to draw the show daily. If the child merasanya comfortable, you may also need to show her your pictures. Sharing pictures, sharing emotions.
3:26 PM | 0 comments

Position Determining Achievement

Written By afradad on Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 4:37 PM

Children often have difficulty concentrating in school for several reasons. Many children are easily dispersed because the concentration of noise disturbance or the presence of other children.

According to psychologists, the seat was indeed able to affect students' ability to concentrate. There are some children who can sit near the teacher focus. There is also children who are easy to focus when sitting in the back. Find a seating position for children that allows it to be able to stay focused and not easily distracted by other things like looking out the window.

Eye contact is also sufficient to maintain the child's focus of concentration. With good concentration, the child will get good performance too. This is similar to words that are frequently asked kids 'determines the position of achievement'.

That the concentration is not disturbed, teachers need to get rid of the things that might lead to concentration problems in their students. Quite important for teachers to provide interlude entertainment for students after they finish a lesson.

Should students be given the opportunity to rest for some time so as not to saturate. This rest period can be used with the positive atmosphere of the class without making a noise, such as drawing.

Parents can practice concentration in order to focus on school children. Parents need to know whether the child has problems with his classmates who make children become unfocused. If your child is often not the focus because they feel hungry, you signify that you have to prepare their food for him.

Children should have a fixed schedule of homework every night to perform tasks and learn on their own. During learning, the child should be avoided from the television or music. Parents should provide opportunities for children to learn without any distractions.

Teach children to be able to focus through puzzles and games staregi. These kinds of activities that could require full concentration and can teach your child to focus on a subject. In addition, this method can also be used for fun at the same time. These skills can improve the ability to listen carefully and critically.
4:37 PM | 0 comments

4 Ways to Restore Energy Post-Maternity

Written By afradad on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 | 8:19 PM

The first week after birth, may be a busy day for the mother to take care of the little guy. Even so, mothers need to take the time to do activities for the sake of restoring energy. The following activities can be done in the first week after birth,

These are tips for restore energy :

1. Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic muscles. The trick with relaxed breathing, imagine mother urinating. Repeat this movement 20 times.

2. Mild exercise gradually. For example, walking 15 minutes, then gradually increase to 20 minutes, until the last 30 minutes. We recommend that you consult a doctor to perform physical activity, because every mother has a different physical conditions.

3. Drink plenty of water before and after physical activity. Moreover, the mother is breastfeeding. Note the color of urine, if urine is yellow, mothers need more water intake. If the meaning was clear enough water.

4. Consumption of healthy foods on a regular basis. Includes snacks, such as fruits or salad.
8:19 PM | 0 comments

Math Games

Math Games
Multiplying to 25 : five x five (5x5)

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
