Forming the baby's sleep patterns

Written By afradad on Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 6:52 AM

Child's sleep patterns greatly affect the physical and cognitive development. When sleeping at night, little organs produce and release certain types of hormones are three times more than when he is awake. If disturbed sleep patterns, this process also automatically be disturbed. Therefore it is important for the mother to help shape your baby sleep patterns.

Many people believe that the child's sleep pattern will be formed by itself. However, children often get caught up with sleep patterns that had long formed. If this has happened, the mother will find it hard to change the sleep pattern. In fact, for toddlers, bedtime is not just a break, but also an important time for growth.

Children who sleep less will experience vulnerability iregulasi endurance and endocrine systems. In fact, this could potentially be a trigger obesity. Cognitively, he will also be slower to react and difficulty concentrating. If he had started school, this course will have a negative impact on performance in the classroom. This is why it is important for the mother to establish good sleep patterns in children.

Prior to forming your baby sleep patterns, Mother need to find out first, what factors that disrupt sleep patterns. Does he feel his body dirty or not fresh, if he was hungry, whether her clothes are not comfortable, whether in the surrounding atmosphere is too noisy, or whether he was experiencing health problems such as asthma and allergies. If so, consult a doctor so that your child can sleep more soundly.

However, if your child is free from health problems, there are a few simple steps can take to help shape the Mother of sleep patterns: 1) bathed him with warm water, 2) make sure his stomach in satiety state before sleep; 3) put the nightgown that is soft and comfortable; 5) sing lullabies or read stories in a low voice; 6) let him holding his favorite toy.

If the mother is stressed during pregnancy, the mother remove stress hormones can also influence fetal brain development. As a result, once born, the child will often fussy, especially at bedtime. Therefore, cultivate healthy habits and stress-free since the pregnancy. Prior to forming a healthy sleep patterns for the baby, the mother also needs to apply the pattern of good sleep and adequate rest.
6:52 AM | 0 comments

What age children begin to be taught discipline?

Written By afradad on Saturday, November 26, 2011 | 9:42 PM

At what age children begin to be taught discipline? This is the question of plural surfaced among new parents. Discipline is often connoted with being assertive and a little "hard" in children.

If your child is 2 years old and threw the empty bottle after it, should we punish? Is not this the natural behavior of children? Similarly, other common questions.

Indeed, it teaches discipline can not be done immediately, but gradually. "The mistake is to assume equal parental discipline by punishing activity, whereas the actual discipline is to educate," said Deborah Roth Ledley prikolog PhD, author of Becoming a Calm Mom: How to Manage Stress and Enjoy the First Year of Motherhood.

When your toddler spilled food on the floor, for example, you can remind him that the way it is not good. Reprimand you, of course adapted to his age, and in an easily understood. And one more, "Do not by shouting."

Discipline, he says, is education from birth. For babies a year, for example, discipline is to socialize the children about the simple habits and teach him about boundaries. "The age of two years and beyond, you can begin to do so by giving examples of behavior," he said.
9:42 PM | 0 comments

Cultivate the Toothbrushing Habits Eearly Age

Written By afradad on Friday, November 18, 2011 | 2:36 PM

Dental health of your child should not escape the attention of the Mother. The importance of maintaining healthy teeth need to be nurtured Mother because children could not be separated from their favorite chew foods sweet and sticky at risk of damaging the teeth. Therefore, cultivate the habit of toothbrush as early as possible. Unfortunately, many underestimate the care of milk teeth because it only considered a temporary tooth. In fact, while the tooth is what later became the "guide" for the growth of permanent teeth.

The first thing to do is educate the Mother about the dangers of bacteria on the teeth. Among other things, an imprint sugars on the teeth can turn into an acid solution that makes cavities. In addition, food scraps left behind can grow bacteria which gradually erodes tooth enamel. All these problems can be avoided if the mother inculcate the habit of toothbrush in children since she was born.

Although baby teeth generally grow when entering a new age of six months, should make it a habit to clean the gums Mother born with special dental wipes are available in pharmacies. Because, at this time, children can not refuse to clean her teeth so she will be familiar with the mouth free from residual food or beverages. Toothbrush habits will carry over when he was growing up in the future.

Then, make that activity more fun to brush your teeth. Mother can accompany your child while you read a story or humming a song fun. That way, the habit of toothbrush would be a routine which she looked forward to. Needless to no more chasing chase scene through the house just because the baby lazy to brush his teeth.

Mother also can choose a toothbrush with a unique head-butt your favorite cartoon character your child, for example. That way, toothbrush no longer he regarded as something that should be avoided, but rather like toys that make cheerful and excited. Also, brush your teeth like this also usually have a softer bristles so that the intensity of the habit of toothbrush will not hurt the child's gums are still sensitive.

As for toothpaste, children under three years of not really need much fluoride. Therefore, Mother can choose a special toothpaste young children are available in various flavors of fruit-and even some bubble gum flavor. But, just use a little brush on the end because it was feared the ability of children are not perfect and rinse the remaining foam would come swallowed.

Lastly, do not forget Mother taught the correct way of brushing teeth on the beloved sons and daughters, with movement up and down or rotate, not sideways. That way, the dirt in between the teeth can be cleaned with a more perfect. If the tooth brush habit has been nurtured from an early age, your child will gradually adapt to brush their own teeth on a regular basis without prompting.
2:36 PM | 0 comments

Spend More Time with Your Child ... Here's How

Written By afradad on Thursday, November 17, 2011 | 7:10 PM

Sure you want to spend more quality time with your kids. But, business, busy household, shopping, until congestion makes 'dream' that often failed to materialize.

To make the most of a little time you have to create a quality relationship with your child, follow these tips. Oh yes, these tips adapted from the book adapted Diana Loomans, What All Children Want Their Parents to Know: 12 Keys to Raising a Happy Child (New World Library, 2005).

1. 'Message' is the time since now
Set aside one day a month on your calendar to spend with your child. Create blocks of time as important as any other promise - it will not change unless there is an emergency. The children will be proud to find there is a special block on the calendar for himself and his parents realize how important this special time for parents.

2. Practice the 'master' of fun
Any child over the age of one to admit syndrome 'half-listening' parents. The sign? If you get too much say "Hmm," "Not now" or "Can not you see Mommy (or Daddy) busy?" when the child tried to get you talking. Take the time to have fun with your child and give your full attention, even if it's just for a few minutes on your busiest days.

3. Change from time to time from quality to quantity
We often quibble: the importance of quality, not quantity, if sued about being together with our children. Instead, look for ways to pass as much time to create moments of fun and meaningful with your child. Remember, listening to him talking, laughing and joking together, or even just read a story for him, it is meaningful to the quality of your relationships and your child. Try it.
7:10 PM | 0 comments

6 Myths About Breastfeeding

Written By afradad on Monday, November 14, 2011 | 4:00 PM

Awareness of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding should continue to be implanted in every woman and expectant mothers. But unfortunately, there are still misconceptions in the community related to breastfeeding.

In fact, exclusive breastfeeding would provide a double advantage for both you and baby. So that no more myth wrong, here are a few things wrong that could trigger the failure of breastfeeding. These myths and false information needs to be clarified so that every baby gets the right to drink milk from her mother:

1. Without breastfeeding the child stay healthy
When viewed from the outside it looks healthy. But you know, that babies who are not breastfed are actually more vulnerable to exposure and allergic diseases such as eczema (skin inflammation), allergic rhinitis and asthma. Some studies show that babies are not breastfed have higher risk for diabetes and obesity later in life.

2. Small breasts means having less milk
Breast size is determined by fat tissue, which is not associated with milk production. Milk production depends on the size of mammary glands in the breast.

3. Breastfeeding makes breasts to sag
Breastfeeding does not cause breasts to sag. Engorgement of the breast is mainly due to aging and gravity. In fact, breastfeeding can help you speed up the slimming process by burning fat stored during pregnancy. Exclusive breastfeeding also stimulate spending contraction and hormones that help restore the uterus to its original size.

4. Breastfeeding is painful
Actually not. Although there are a number of mothers who may feel slightly swollen in the early stages, but this condition will not continue. If you still feel pain, this may be due to the baby's mouth does not suck the nipple and areola properly. Learn to help your baby to suckle in the right way.

5. Breastfeeding is troublesome
Breastfeeding is actually easier for you. You do not need to bring the equipment, do not have to worry about milk supply, storage and supply of milk. Other advantages, breastfeeding can be done at any time, anywhere and not have to cost you.

6. Busy working
Breastfeeding even for a few weeks or months, will provide benefits to the baby. Work is not a reason for you to stop breastfeeding. Ask for assistance to the maid in the house to give milk that has been first milking. Immediately store the milk in the fridge to keep your baby safe to drink.
4:00 PM | 0 comments

Five Daily Routine to Become a Better Parent

Written By afradad on Sunday, November 13, 2011 | 6:33 PM

The relationship of parents and children increasingly distant. In England, there is an interesting phenomenon: a five-year-olds do not know their first names, because such things were never discussed with their parents. How to become a mother, or a better father? Here are tips of a British organization that campaigned for the importance of being a better parent:

Every day, parents should be encouraged to read to their children for 15 minutes and talked with them for 20 minutes while the television is turned off.

They also have to praise their children when they do things well and often play with them on the floor for ten minutes and provide nutritious food.

The report's author, Chris Paterson, said scientific evidence shows that what parents do with their children is very important in brain development and skills of children.

"There is also evidence of a significant gap between parents who do the simple steps above compared with those not doing so," he said.

Parents, he said, should also study the development of children because they will not be 'automatic' know what to do.

His advice is actually good and reasonable. But in Britain, a problem when the state advised the parents to perform a number of measures to improve the relationship with the child. They read it as state interference in the process of parenting a family.
6:33 PM | 0 comments

Great way Communicate with Children

Written By afradad on Friday, November 11, 2011 | 3:26 PM

Communicate with the child's not easy. Many of them desire the unknown by adults. They have personalities and feelings that are different from adults.
Therefore, the need for techniques to be able to understand what he feels and wants. There are three simple tips that might be done to understand how the world of children:

First, define their world.

It's important to know the child's world from the perspective of children, not parents. Parents need to talk to the most simple language with children. From the start the conversation with complicated language and as 'patronizing', would be better to ask in their language.

For example, if you see a child who is sad because her parents divorced, do not say "I know you're sad for what happened to your parents". Try asking a simple thing "Arya, what do you do if you're a father?"

Asking the question, but can find out the opinion of the child, can also reveal what is hidden in his mind. If parents are building a situation that can vent their emotions, the child will be comfortable. He will be more open and able to tell more of his personal situation.

Second, share with their the world.

Playing is the most conventional technique but telling the child to express emotions. Customize your child's age. Playing the 'mother' may be a pretty good idea to be able to understand it. Children play the role of parents, while parents play another role. Notice any given expression and emotion. That way, parents can see how the views of children towards parents.

Third, enter their world.

Art becomes an effective method to communicate with children. Most children will draw when they are not comfortable speaking verbally. Begin to ask children to draw the show daily. If the child merasanya comfortable, you may also need to show her your pictures. Sharing pictures, sharing emotions.
3:26 PM | 0 comments

Position Determining Achievement

Written By afradad on Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 4:37 PM

Children often have difficulty concentrating in school for several reasons. Many children are easily dispersed because the concentration of noise disturbance or the presence of other children.

According to psychologists, the seat was indeed able to affect students' ability to concentrate. There are some children who can sit near the teacher focus. There is also children who are easy to focus when sitting in the back. Find a seating position for children that allows it to be able to stay focused and not easily distracted by other things like looking out the window.

Eye contact is also sufficient to maintain the child's focus of concentration. With good concentration, the child will get good performance too. This is similar to words that are frequently asked kids 'determines the position of achievement'.

That the concentration is not disturbed, teachers need to get rid of the things that might lead to concentration problems in their students. Quite important for teachers to provide interlude entertainment for students after they finish a lesson.

Should students be given the opportunity to rest for some time so as not to saturate. This rest period can be used with the positive atmosphere of the class without making a noise, such as drawing.

Parents can practice concentration in order to focus on school children. Parents need to know whether the child has problems with his classmates who make children become unfocused. If your child is often not the focus because they feel hungry, you signify that you have to prepare their food for him.

Children should have a fixed schedule of homework every night to perform tasks and learn on their own. During learning, the child should be avoided from the television or music. Parents should provide opportunities for children to learn without any distractions.

Teach children to be able to focus through puzzles and games staregi. These kinds of activities that could require full concentration and can teach your child to focus on a subject. In addition, this method can also be used for fun at the same time. These skills can improve the ability to listen carefully and critically.
4:37 PM | 0 comments

4 Ways to Restore Energy Post-Maternity

Written By afradad on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 | 8:19 PM

The first week after birth, may be a busy day for the mother to take care of the little guy. Even so, mothers need to take the time to do activities for the sake of restoring energy. The following activities can be done in the first week after birth,

These are tips for restore energy :

1. Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic muscles. The trick with relaxed breathing, imagine mother urinating. Repeat this movement 20 times.

2. Mild exercise gradually. For example, walking 15 minutes, then gradually increase to 20 minutes, until the last 30 minutes. We recommend that you consult a doctor to perform physical activity, because every mother has a different physical conditions.

3. Drink plenty of water before and after physical activity. Moreover, the mother is breastfeeding. Note the color of urine, if urine is yellow, mothers need more water intake. If the meaning was clear enough water.

4. Consumption of healthy foods on a regular basis. Includes snacks, such as fruits or salad.
8:19 PM | 0 comments

The traditional way deal with cough for pregnant women

Written By afradad on Thursday, October 20, 2011 | 5:47 AM

When coughing, stomach will move up and down, the baby will feel for your cough. No need to worry, baby will not be affected physically. You simply hold the lower abdomen so that your abdomen is not tense.

That is quite dangerous is if cough up mucus that causes breathing difficulty. It's important to watch out, you may experience chest infection. Chest infection can affect the baby being conceived.

Basically there is no way to prevent coughing attack pregnant women. Washing hands regularly with soap and hot water, can minimize the risk of cough. Pregnant women must live with a healthy diet and have enough hours of sleep a night.

If you already coughing, to ease it, can make a cup of honey mixed with lemon juice. Honey can soothe a scratchy throat. This herb is best taken when hot. To be more sure, see a doctor. Ask to be given a cough syrup made ??from glycerin and a little sugar. This medicine can stop a cough that is severe enough.
5:47 AM | 0 comments

Healthy Ways to Gain Weight

Written By afradad on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 | 7:07 PM

As well as losing weight, for some people gain weight case also becomes something that is difficult and takes the fight. Although there are many supplements on the market that help increase daily caloric intake, but it has not been proven safe and beneficial.

Tips to Gain Weight

Therefore, the necessary intelligence in determining diet and lifestyle, to become healthier in the long term. Here is a smart and safe way to increase your weight forms the ideal:

1. Choose dairy products, eggs, fish, meat and vegetables. Eating foods with high protein content such as nuts and foods with high starch content such as potatoes, rice and tapioca.

2. Eating snacks more often. Many eating high-calorie snacks (not junk food) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits and yogurt. Also, eating larger portions and eat at least five times a day.

3. Drink plenty of fluids that supply nutrients and calories such as milk or fresh fruit juice.

4. You need to practice hard and intensively to gain muscle mass. Focus on weight training (without tools) to target the largest group in your muscles. If you have a high metabolic rate - which means you spend a lot of energy even at rest. You need to exercise an intense but short-term rather than long.

5. Consistent. Probably needed a long time, usually several months, to get the ideal body weight. Some women will generally be frustrated and quit when it did not see any changes. It must be remembered, weight gain program will not work if you do not regularly run.
7:07 PM | 0 comments

Dark Side Multivitamin Consumption

Written By afradad on Thursday, October 13, 2011 | 9:20 PM

Consuming a multivitamin for most people has become a mandatory daily agenda, as does eating. Once the best-selling nutritional supplements that are considered complementary, each year in the United States alone spent 20 million dollars U.S. money to buy supplements.

Unfortunately it turns out that the consumption of vitamin supplements do not deliver results as expected; away from disease and longevity. A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, mentions several types of supplements will actually shorten the life!

In that study, the researchers used information from 40,000 women who filled out questionnaires several times within a period of 22 years. They answered questions about various health issues, including the habit of taking supplements.

Then the data is matched with the state of health records and the U.S. national death index. The result the researchers identified several types of supplements that can hasten death, namely vitamin B6, folic acid, iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

Some of the supplements that increase the risk of death was only slightly higher in the study period. But there is also the rate of increase is quite significant, about 18 percent.

Do multivitamins work

Jaako Mursu, Ph.D., chairman of the study mentions the results of this research may not be the same in male respondents.

He explained that the consumption of multivitamin supplements should only be done if we had a previous history of vitamin deficiency. "Take extra vitamin and mineral supplements seem to actually be harmful," he said.

Mursu added, all that excess, including water, can be dangerous. Multivitamin supplements generally contain high doses of vitamins and minerals, where it would not happen if we meet them from food.

Another advantage of the nutrients from food to meet day-to-day is a variation of types and combinations than if we mengasupnya from supplements.

"To meet the nutritional needs, consume fruits and vegetables, also whole grain Cereal, in sufficient quantity and variety," he said.

Food materials contain not only vitamins and minerals, but the combination of a variety of food is also more beneficial to the body than pills.

"If you do not have allergies to certain foods, eat a wide variety of foodstuffs," he said.
9:20 PM | 0 comments

The alterations that happen after getting children

Written By afradad on Friday, September 30, 2011 | 8:38 PM

Getting a young child does bring its very own happiness for that couple's parents. But children may also bring some changes towards the parents themselves, change something that happened when getting children?

Not just result in the house crowded, presence of kids additionally, it has health advantages like lowering bloodstream pressure, making your body remains active, a professional more happy, stay sane making the mind more understanding.
8:38 PM | 0 comments

Hobbies Eat Fat During Pregnancy, Babies will greases with Small Heart

Written By afradad on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 | 7:56 PM

Pregnant women should keep their food intake during pregnancy because the nutrients consumed during pregnancy affects the condition of children born. Pregnant women who eat a lot of fat before and during pregnancy will give birth to babies who are obese and have a little heart.

Previous research has shown that infants who received nutrient intake too much or too little in the uterus will have a profound and permanent change in its development.

These changes include changes in the structure of the brain, liver and pancreas. All of which increases vulnerability to the risk of various diseases in later life, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) launch nearly half of women of childbearing age in America are overweight or obese.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to inform women and health care providers about the dangers of mothers who eat too much to the development of health and chronic disease risk in the future of their child.

"One key finding here is that the offspring born to experience a shift in body composition, which is far from lean body mass and body mass were more likely to plump, even before the child gets the nutrition from food alone," says researcher Stephanie M. Krasnow, PhD, a scientist at Pape Pediatric Research Institute at OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital Eurekalert quoted as saying on Tuesday (20/09/2011).

Krasnow and colleagues at the Daniel Marks Lab used mice to examine the consumption of foods rich in fat during pregnancy and its effect on newborns. Female rats fed low-fat diet rich in fat as well as for six months.

Mice who ate foods high in fat, gained weight and have higher amounts of fat than those eating low-fat foods When giving birth, mice with high fat intake gave birth to baby mice whose bodies contain more fat, less lean and his liver much smaller than babies born mice with mice that consume low-fat foods
7:56 PM | 0 comments

Things that Affect the Baby's Head Shape

Written By afradad on Friday, July 22, 2011 | 2:05 AM

Parents often hear that certain sleeping position can make a baby's head become abnormal. Some things are known to affect the baby's head shape.

Most newborns have an oval head shape or uneven, especially if delivered vaginally because it must pass through the birth canal. In other cases, sometimes changes in head shape due to spending too much time in one position.

In the baby's head will look no soft area on the top of the skull where bone has not grown together. This area is called fontanels (crown) that helps the baby through the birth canal narrow. This will harden Fontanels naturally when aged 6-20 months.

The size of the baby's head will continue to grow along with increasing brain volume. But because the baby's skull bones are still malleable, then spent too much time in the same position could lead to changes in the form of a baby's head, as quoted from Mayoclinic.

Before it hardens fontanels area, then the baby's head shape can still change, one way is to change the baby's position as when he was asleep.

Baby's head shape is the most common molding that looks somewhat oval when viewed from above, but when viewed from the back is flatter on one side and the ear on the flat side may look like going forward.

Head shape is most common in babies who spend most of his time lying in bed, car seat or infant seat. Even so, there are some things you can do to keep the baby's head shape is:

- Changing direction, if the baby is often slept with your head tilted to the left then change it facing the right, if necessary to give a booster in the back to make it more stable position.

- Holding the baby's head, when the baby is awake try to hold the head in order to help reduce the pressure and hold the baby's head while he was eating.

- Try to place the infant in theprone position while playing or sleeping, but with close supervision, especially if the baby is not strong enough to with stand the weight of his head.

- Try to be creative so as to provide a new baby's point of view and not stuck on one side, for example, providing a stimulus in the form of sound or a particular toy.
2:05 AM | 0 comments

How You Can Identify Autism Before Age Twelve Months

Written By afradad on Monday, July 4, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Autism is also called a very complex developmental disorder in youngsters, usually show signs and symptoms prior to the child is 3 years old. Actually, it presently has produced an approach to screening for infants aged twelve months.

Screening techniques were produced by a team of pediatricians in North Park, U . s . States and it has been examined on a lot more than 10,479 babies annually old. The newborn is really a patient of 137 pediatricians.

Utilizing a simple questionnaire that may be completed within five years, parents or care providers of kids were requested to reply to concerning the behavior of the child that has covered the presence or lack of eye-to-eye contact, voice, words, gestures, recognition objel along with other types of communication.

Babies who're considered not pass the exam alias show signs and symptoms of autism was known towards the North Park Autism Center for Excellence for more evaluation every 6 several weeks to three year olds. From the 346 children who have been known, 184 children accompanied evaluation a minimum of two periods.

Generally, screening is performed would be to have predictive value arrived at 75 %. In the evaluation, 32 children identified with autism, 56 identified with speech delay, 9 children struggling with developmental delay and 36 children identified with other kinds of developmental delays.

Meanwhile, the kids identified with autism. Nearly all beginning therapy at 19 several weeks is really very early in comparison with other children. Frequently new parents getting children towards the physician once the child was 3 years old which means it's past too far.

"This screening program is extremely promising because it may be implemented and without any cost. This screening method may also be completed in everyday clinical practice, "authored the scientists, Karen Pierce, assistant professor of neuroscience at UC North Park.

"There's strong evidence the treatments are completed early to possess an optimistic impact on brain development. This is exactly why the chance to identify and initiate therapy at that time in regards to a years old child is essential to improve the possibility growth and development of the kid, "he stated.

An extremely prominent characteristic of autism may be the attitude of kids who will not worry about the atmosphere and also the people around him, as though declining to speak and interact, in addition to reside in their own world. Kids with autism also provide difficulty comprehending the language and communicate vocally.

Autism may happen to anybody, knows no ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic conditions, and intellectual condition from the parent. Evaluations between boys and women who've the autistic disorder is 4:1. Intelligence of autistic children varies, from very vibrant to very inferior.
12:00 AM | 0 comments

5 Tips For Your Child Safe Internet

Written By afradad on Sunday, June 26, 2011 | 2:05 AM

5 Tips For Your Child Safe Internet. The internet, although a source of limitless information, but keep the threat to users, especially for children. But that does not mean our baby should not be familiar with the internet.

Here are 5 tips for introducing the Internet safe for children:

1. Communication
This is an important factor for the relationship between parents and their children. Try to establish good communication flow with the baby. When introducing the Internet to children, explain the rules. Do not let your kids are online too far.

2. Limit Time Online
Let's not put the computer with internet facilities in the nursery. But put a computer in the family room or space where you can control children when surfing.

If necessary make a list of sites that may be accessed if they are. Determine the time when their online, certainly not until late at night. American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that if the limit of children to be in front of the screen up to a maximum of two hours per day.

3. Social Networking
The children of today must have been familiar with the name chat, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. Nothing wrong with letting your kids play in it. Just need to be monitored his movements.

If indeed your children are old enough, there's no harm in helping them create profiles on social networking. But it is better to use nicknames rather than real names. Do not enter personal data in the profile description. Use photo a favorite athlete, cartoon characters, or other ilustasi as a profile picture.

Next is to remind children not to interact with people they do not known through cyberspace.

4. Recognize the problem
Observation of children surfing habits. If he often violated the agreement by staying online until late at night it never hurts to act decisively. Stay away they are from the online activity for some time. Because if left unchecked will increasingly be feared. This is where the role of communication so necessary, try to speak from heart to heart without having to pull the vein.

Occasionally the parents a good idea to check the browser history to find out what sites are frequently visited by your children.

5. Strengthen Security Systems
Parents certainly cannot be any time watching the kids. As a result, it required the presence of software that can fence off the children of the existence of negative content on the Internet automatically. Today there are more applications filtering or parental controls that can be used for your home computer. With this application is expected to block pornographic sites and other negatively charged sites before seen the children.

Application security also includes antivirus software to protect computer as a whole. In addition, parents should do the setting on the search engines like Google to just do a search system that is safe (safe search). So when kids use Google to search for information, the content that appears to will be filtered.
2:05 AM | 0 comments

Appreciating the difference of potential child

Written By afradad on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 8:33 AM

Let's take a moment out to the home page, or let us come to a park or forest, `look at the plants around him, how beautiful, diverse plants grow, colorful flowers - colorful, melodious chirping of birds, all complement the beauty of this world.
Imagine if we could not see the diversity, we can only see one color of flower or one type of plant, what a boring world. Without the difference we can not enjoy fully.Likewise in education, each teacher will always deal with all sorts of differences in behavior and the desire and talent and interest in their students.
Unfortunately, not all teachers are able to see differences as something fun and exciting. Many teachers feel tortured because of the differences that occur in every individual learners, as if they were not able to enjoy it.
Various forms of anger in their students a teacher, usually caused by the difference, whether differences in interests, talents, or abilities
Actually, the difference is not something that can be avoided. Every child is born with the differences and uniqueness of each. Starting from the physical differences, patterns of thought, joy, and others. No one was every thing in this world together, even though the similarity is not always profitable.
Let us ponder for a moment, what if in a class all liked math but did not like another lesson, then anyone who likes to study science or social studies? Differences of interest & talent not to be used as a tool to scold a child because they were born different. Many positive things can we get with different children. However, these positive things can we get when we have the following thoughts:
First: Think positive to the learner to appreciate the difference. Suppose the difference talents and interests of children as a wealth in the classroom, thus we will view and act appropriately to all learners.
Second: when teaching children, pipe the potential and interests of different - different in the right position (kullu syain maqomun), thereby to achieve the goal to develop the potential of each - each learner
Third: Never underestimate the students, whatever and however their condition or interest - each learner we must treat them with something they should receive well
Fourth: Find information that much detail - detail about the biodata of the students, this information can be obtained from parents, previous teachers, friends and the behavior of a day - the day the learner's own
Fifth: after knowing the actual information about students, many - many are reading books, newspapers, magazines or other sources of knowledge relating to the uniqueness of the differences, interests and talents of children and how to react to it. This was done so we have enough we are more precise reference for each difference in guiding learnersfinally stop looking for differences in children, because if not, then a teacher will lose the spirit of happiness in teaching
8:33 AM | 0 comments

Most Watch TV and Play Game, Speaking Ability Little Stagnates

Written By afradad on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | 9:24 PM

LONDON-The parents again warned to accompany their children when watching television or playing games. The reason, besides negatively impact the child's psychological, watch too much television and play games also inhibit the ability to speak the child.

According to British researchers note, nearly 100,000 children aged 5 years in the UK have less verbal ability Even the official statistics say most children in England do not have the ability to think and speak well enough.

Originally, investigators concluded that the issue of genetic causes of the lack of verbal skills of children in the UK. However, after further investigation, investigators found the lack of the parental role when seeing their children watching television and playing games.

In fact, according to the assumptions of researchers, parents can accompany their children by acting as a "detective" or "advisers" who then discusses what children watch and play.

Jean Gross, the British government's communications adviser, said the tradition of eating with family is one concrete solution to catch the children while developing their language skills.

"We know the number of conversations to determine the success of children develop their language skills. It cannot be obtained when the TV to be around kids all the time. Conditions that would reduce the number of conversations that in turn inhibit the development of language, "he said as quoted, Wednesday (11 / 5).

Therefore, Gross expressed his support for campaign Hallo, a campaign aimed at stretching the communication in children and adolescents in homes, daycares, and schools.

According to Gross, 82 percent of parents who ask about the many ways to develop children's ability in speech, language and communication. In fact, he said, the way is quite simple, that encourage a child to talk, discuss and discuss many things. In addition, Gross with reference to the Dundee University research, said activities like singing along with children's songs and view the photo album is another way to improve language skills of children.

In addition to invited talk, Gross also stressed the importance of repetition of new words, so train your memory. The strong memory according to Gross will facilitate the use of vocabulary in children when they socialize. Gross also suggested to each family to get used to play together with children. Added Gross, parents do not need to be fixed on existing games. According to him, should also innovate to create their own game.
9:24 PM | 0 comments

Lifestyle Affect Child Health

Written By afradad on Monday, May 9, 2011 | 7:42 PM

Age may be more sophisticated, but the health problems of children still remain a topic of considerable attention, especially for parents.

There are two health problems most commonly found in children in Asia in general, namely malnutrition and obesity. As a very heterogeneous continent, Asia has a high enough difference in terms of economic capacity as well as access to health care.

Professor Quak Seng Hock, Professor of Paediatric Department, National University Hospital, Singapore, in the event press conference ESPGHAN Postgraduate 2nd Asian Workshop on Thursday (3 / 3) to clarify if the level of child mortality due to malnutrition problems in particular are still very high.

"The problem of malnutrition in Asia include stunted growth and malnutrition. On the other hand Asia also experienced increased rates of obesity in children," explained Prof. Quak Seng Hock.

Prof. Quak Seng Hock further explain about the trigger factors of obesity in children is because it affected the lifestyle of the less active. "In the past, many school children walk from home to school, many children are now delivered with the vehicle."

"In addition, many children after school spent more time with playing video games or just remain silent in the house, many eating but very few moves, then it is possible that children become obese," he added.

While for many cases of malnutrition in children is associated with the low level of family food availability, poor quality of food additives and the high problems caused by parasites and other infections.

"The health of children not just mean freedom from disease or about the physical condition, mental and social, but also the drive to achieve the best potential in life," explained Dr. Bardiul.

So even if a child is physically in good condition, but his health could not be measured simply by looking at just physical. Thus the parent as the person closest to the child, should really pay attention to various aspects of child health.
7:42 PM | 0 comments

The easy way to teach children tell the truth

Be honest and say should be taught to children from an early age. The most important is to educate parents in a gentle way and provides a good example.

When Dylan Bocanegra was three, he always lie and blame the cat who kept his family, Bamboo, for almost all of naughty behavior. Especially since his mother, Eva-Marie Fredric, is a producer of movies and soap operas in Los Angeles, United States. When shown a picture of crayons contaminate the entire wall of the living room, Dylan said, Bamboo is doing it.

When the plastic bottle into the toilet? Bamboo is also known to do it. Smoke billowed from the TV? Yep, we definitely know who will be blamed. "Like most of a toddler, Dylan has the imagination and storytelling ability is high," said Fredric. "Our cat became a scapegoat for all the mistakes she did," he continued.

However, that incident a year ago. Dylan has grown into a sweet child, but some things never change. As with other preschool children, since the past until now, they always do as he wants to do and sometimes slipping off the truth. Preschoolers (ages 3-5 years) is being studied to understand the line between reality and fantasy.

Telling a lie or fantasize with high imagination is actually not an unusual way to explore the limits of behavior in this period.

Parents are often designed to react strongly to what they consider to be lies. However, this is true is not always the best way to handle the situation.

"At the age of 3 years often times parents will say, 'Wow, my son is lying. And I do not know what to do ', "says Tanya Remer Altmann, MD FAAP, a pediatrician and author of" Mommy Calls: Dr.. Tanya Answers Parents Top 101 Questions About Babies and Toddlers ". "But it becomes unclear lines between reality and what's in their imagination," he explained. Say your child is aged 3 years to spill milk on the floor. When you ask, 'Who dropped it?' And your child says, 'not me', this does not mean that your child is lying. "He might actually want to milk it does not spill. Or if the incident had lasted an hour ago, maybe he does not remember doing it, "said Altmann, as quoted from page Mark Bowers, PhD, a child psychologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States explains, anyone under the age of 5 years too young to understand what exactly is the lie. They do not have the same cognitive capacity as a child who has aged kindergarten began to learn the difference between right and wrong. "You do not have the authority to punish children in the future just because he did not admit anyone who spilled milk in the kitchen," said Bowers.

If you caught your child is scribbling on the walls, whereas before he did not confess, you may be tempted to hit him. However, most likely he will still dodge because it does not want to get in trouble and make you angry. Bowers says, is better explain to children how the rules are applied at home and do not forget to offer a solution. "For example, say that Mama has a rule at home that you may only draw on paper. So, now grab the soap and cleaning aids Papa, "he explained.

Usually, to avoid allegations to the child, Bowers refers to the Columbo approach or play dumb. To the child, you can say, 'Oh, Mama confused how this can spill milk huh? But it would be better if someone could help Mom clean it up '. Once your child to come and help you, give him support and praise when helped. "(Activities) This is an opportunity to teach your child what they should do in the future," said Altmann. "Unless it (the incident lie) which is really serious, leave the way all forms of punishment and change it to a child the opportunity to learn," she added.

Then how about a cartoon superhero or a world of imagination is true in the real world does not exist? "The soul of creativity is the center located at the highest point from age 3 to 5 years," said Bowers. Playing true imagination is part of the natural growth of children and important for development. Starting from the imaginary friends, figure superhero fantasy, wishful thinking or talking about places that have never visited the child such as Disneyland, probably occurred to them. You can help keep your child's imagination while teaching them how important the honesty. Do not worry if your child tells in detail the fictive trip to Disneyland.

Simply respond by saying, 'Yeah, you know, we've never been to Disneyland. But if we did go, what would you want to do? '. "If possible, have fun with him," said Bowers. "Join us so that she can hunt down what was in his imagination," he continued. Preschoolers often wriggled out of reality to get your attention. "You can encourage your child to tell the truth," said Fran Walfish PsyD, a child and family psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent.

One way, suggested Walfish, tell your child, "You have a wonderful imagination and when you say A, B, or C, Mama can not always know whether it's your imagination or real. Most importantly, what makes a person feel safe and comfortable between two people communicate is when we tell the truth and always say what is in reality ".

Most major, always think positive and do not be judgmental. "It is very important to you can say gently, without the accused, and put a sense of responsibility in the right place," said Walfish. "You have to give an understanding to your child with a good way," he added.

Also, use the language of his age so he can understand.
For example, you could say, "It's hard sometimes to tell Mama that you are doing (juvenile) this. You said that cats who do it because you're worried I'll upset you But you and Mom both know that cats can not do it. Mama is the type of mother who wanted to hear that you are doing it and then we can talk about other ways to get Mama's attention. "

Altmann ask parents to use positive sentences. "Positive words were more important to uncover the truth rather than just, 'Oh, you're lying'. I further agree not to tell parents that, "he said.

Leave away with such a negative stigma to call your child with a liar, Walfish said, labeling the child would make her feel bad because he had to hide something from you. "You certainly want to make relationships and open communication so that your child can tell you all things to you," he said.

You certainly do not need to wait for bad events happening with your child. Bowers recommends that you and baby reading a book together that encourages honesty, like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
7:04 AM | 0 comments

Apparently Naughty Children Intelligent Child

Delinquency of children is sometimes annoying parents. But this time parent maybe a little happier, the article of a psychologist study revealed that a naughty child is a bright child.

A psychologist describes a bright child is a child who likes to make trouble. This means the child has high creativity or including children are creative.

Children are generally able to find creative new things or managed to find a problem, and if it is seen further into the brain, the synapses-synaptic (meetings between the end of the nerve with other nerves) will look complicated.

He added that in this case the parents have to deliver what was owned by his son, for example, provide tools or something that can be done to distribute creative talents of the child.

Sides include creativity into one soft skill owned subsidiaries, in addition to creativity, there are also some other soft skills possessed by children, namely:

1. Confidence, there are children who have high confidence, but there also have stage fright as brave if in the house but once outside the house or meet other people he became quiet or shy.

2. Concern, a child who is already a concern since childhood. For example, he has just one cake but there are two friends, then by herself, he will divide the cake into 3 and then distribute one by one to his friends.

3. The initiative, there are children who are known to have high initiative so that it tends responsive.

4. Creativity, there are children known to have high creativity but some are not.
6:38 AM | 0 comments

Should Fear of Childbirth in Upper Age 35?

Written By afradad on Friday, May 6, 2011 | 11:29 AM

For various reasons, eventually you get married at the age of 35 years. This makes you happy, because now you can start building a family. However, there are fears that no longer young age will affect the chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. Are these fears reasonable?

Until 2000, one of every 12 babies born to mothers aged 35 years or more. That said Glade B. Curtis, MD, a member of the board of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in her book, Pregnancy Above Age 30.

According to him, first births to women in the age of 30 years in 1990 totaled about a quarter of all births in women that age group. Every day in the United States, nearly 200 women aged 35 years or more gave birth to their first baby. Shift in the age of childbirth influenced many things, among others, the more extensive role of women in the public sector, the advance of medical technology, and shifting the age of marriage.

After age 30, a woman may experience decreased fertility due to reduction in the number of healthy egg production, decreased production of female hormones, accompanied by a decrease in the number of sperm pairs, decreased frequency of sexual intercourse, and physical conditions that are no longer optimal.

However, controlling pregnancy and routine medical examinations to cope with the possibilities of complications arising during pregnancy in over 30 years. It's good we are aware of risks faced and trying to minimize as recommended by your doctor.

"Currently, many health workers measure the risk of pregnancy by the health status of pregnant women, not of age. Pre-existing medical condition is an indicator of women's welfare and health of her baby. A healthy woman aged 39 years does not seem to be experiencing problems such as pregnancy than women 20-year-old who suffered from diabetes. The level of fitness of a woman have a great impact on her pregnancy, "said Glade.
11:29 AM | 0 comments

Child May Exceed Height Parents

Written By afradad on Saturday, April 30, 2011 | 6:39 AM

Although parental height below average, but the child's height can still be driven beyond high posture parents. Note the intake of nutrients.

According dr.Samuel Oetoro, below the standard height (stunted) can be avoided. "Actually, the heights of the boys at least as high as his father's and daughter's height at least as high as her mother. So it can be maximized more than that," he said.

Child's height is one of them is influenced by genetic factors, but still there are other factors that have a major role, ie, habits and environmental factors. Habit factors, including diet, level of activity and rest of children.

"Give your child foods that contain balanced nutrition because there is no one food that can meet all nutritional needs. To grow tall kids not need protein, but also note the carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins," he said.

To support the growth of bone, ask the child to physical activity. "To let her toddler play, run and jump, do not just play games or sit passively in front of the tv," says nutritionist.

In children who begin to teenagers, encourage them to exercise regularly. "Sports that are resistance, such as basketball or swimming is very good for bone growth," he added.

Still, sports should not be excessive. "A maximum of 15 hours per week. Too tired is also not good because the body becomes acidic so disturbed cell metabolism. Children can be difficult to grow high," he said.

That's why, the rest of factors should not be ignored. "Children should sleep 7-9 hours every day," he added. During sleep the body will produce growth hormone and cell regeneration.

Finally, environmental factors. Let the child grow in a healthy environment, away from pollution, including pollution of cigarettes.

When entering the pre-adolescent age (10-12 years) of your child's height still looks shorter than his peers, consult a child to the doctor endocrinologist.

"It will be checked whether the child's height can still be driven by way of checking whether the bones have closed or not. If not too late, the child's height can be stimulated by growth hormone," he concluded.
6:39 AM | 0 comments

Migraine In Children Can Because There's Hole in the Heart

Written By afradad on Thursday, April 28, 2011 | 9:22 PM

Utah, Parents should be vigilant when their children frequently experience migraines or headaches. Children who frequently experience migraines accompanied by visual disturbances may have suffered disability in the heart.

This is based on the results of research from the University of Utah. Researchers say that children who experience migraines accompanied by visual disturbances may have a hole in his heart.

In this study, U.S. doctors examined 109 children over the age of 6 years who suffer from migraine. About half of them experienced this type of migraine accompanied by visual disturbances, a heart defect called an aura (aura Had the heart defect), according to reports the Journal of Pediatrics, as reported by BBC News, Friday (1/4/2011).

Numerous medical studies have also found that the hole in the heart that occurs when an adult or what is known technically as a patent foramen ovale (PFO), associated with migraine aura.

Common symptoms of migraine aura include visual disturbances when viewing flashing lights or flashes, numbness, tingling sensations and talk lisp.

Dr Rachel McCandless and colleagues from the University of Utah using a scanning technique known as an echocardiogram to look for heart defects.

"Our research will help guide future research on this difficult issue,"said Dr. Rachel McCandless.

These findings may provide an option in the doctor to treat migraine with surgery to close a hole in the heart, while other migraine therapies have failed.

"Maybe there are a number of explanations for this relationship so we need further research. Once we understand the relationship in more detail, we can give a signal improvement in patient care,"said Amy Thompson, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation.
9:22 PM | 0 comments

Tips To Become An Effective Parent

Written By afradad on Monday, April 25, 2011 | 9:02 AM

Not all psychological theory can be applied in everyday parenting. Being a parent is one job with a job description is complicated and unclear and needed a big responsibility. To be an effective parent, you should go directly and learn from experience.

In the hands of a parent, a child's future is determined. Things originally formed from the family. Starting in terms of personality, socialization, self-control, adjustment to the surroundings, the ability to think, and anything else that contributed to the success and independence of a child. Including their success as parents later. Tips that can be used by parents who both work / one does not work, in order to take advantage of limited time with children in an effective and efficient, among others, as follows:

1. Know your child
Every child has a different character. Therefore, methods used in educating and guiding them must be in accordance with the character of children. Do not force the child to undergo a character that was not hers. Recognize also the child's feelings if he is experiencing problems. This can be done to empathize with the child. And do not forget to recognize the child's development according to age.

2. Appreciate if they behave well

Every parent should appreciate good behavior by the child, and punish him as little as possible. Give praise when the child is entitled to get it, do not be postponed. But do not wait until they do something special. Parents should give children something fun on a regular basis. For example, by giving something he likes if he has done his job well.

3. Involve your child to participate
Involve them in making decisions / activities held by the family. Examples involve children in everyday tasks (adjust with their age), involve them in planning a family vacation, and others.

4. Put yourself to the child
Use every time you have to get closer to the child. Examples are on the way when it gets stuck, you can make themselves available to talk more. Usually children are more open in such a situation. Accompany them while watching. Instill good values ​​and important, tell them the values ​​of poor and unimportant. Give special time alone with children. If you have more than one child, then spend time in turn. Do not forget to use the most of family time.

5. Enforce discipline
Do not silence the child if he does something wrong / not good. Discipline is very important to apply because the child has to know which ones should and should not be done. The recommended way to enforce discipline is to time out and grounded. Time out is a step in silencing the child, and did not give any reaction in children. This act shall be granted on responses from parents on the child's behavior is not desired. Can be done by parents out of the room, the child was in the room, or the child kept away from its activities. While grounded is an attitude in which the child is required to complete a task in order to get his wish. This discipline must be done consistently and should always be based on the child's behavior. If children do the same rush, the same disciplinary techniques should be applied. But parents should not directly penalize the child for the first time doing bad behavior, and have never been told before that it is bad behavior. The same disciplinary techniques should be applied also by the people at home when parents are not there.

6. Being a role model for children
Children imitate each other people do, especially their parents. Children learn how to react to things from his observations on the behavior of parents. Therefore, you as parents need to be a good example for children.

7. Say you love them
Compassion must be disclosed in any action, either by hugging / kissing, fondling, the words "mommy / daddy love you", and say directly to them. When you do these things, better parents make direct contact by looking into his eyes. And if you want to give orders, to do with specific, horrible for kids to do. Most parents give orders that are too general, so that the children puzzled. Avoid yelling, screaming, or preach at length to the child.

8. Solve a problem when the head is cold
The problem is not resolved better when angry. This is so if it is done it will make things worse. Anger makes your low self control, so it is very possible the things that do not want to be followed by the children imitated. Especially if you get the words out of painful and lasting. Calm yourself first.
9:02 AM | 0 comments

Prevent Children from Video Game Addiction

Written By afradad on Saturday, April 23, 2011 | 11:01 PM

Maybe it's to hard ordered baby move from the front of the TV and leave the video game console them? According to a study released recently Pediatrics, nearly one in 10 children suffering from addiction to video games.

Video game addiction is a real concern for parents, but there is a lot you can do to prevent this from occurring. The following tips draw on the American Medical Association’s advice for parents.

So, how to categorize a child addicted to video games or obsessive? Children who have an average playing video games for 31 hours or more a week, classified as obsessive and more likely to have mental health problems and poor academic achievement.

Risk factors
Suzanne Roberts of Westside Counseling Services reveals, there are four risk factors a child is addicted to video games:

1. The history of addiction in the family: whatever type of addiction in the family history, ranging from Obar drugs, alcohol, or gambling, can be inherited from generation to generation.

2. Games take over the lives of children: Does your baby prefer to play video games than playing with friends, eating, chatting with family, and sleep?

3. Not interested in doing other activities: If the child stops doing other activities that once loved, like playing guitar, because he just wanted game play, this could be an indication of addiction to video games.

4. Victory: The more often children win in the game, the more motivated him to play longer.

Solutions :
1. Limit your child to 1 to 2 hours of total daily screen time

This recommendation includes TV and video games, with the total time spent playing video games being included in that 1 to 2 hour allotment. If you are having difficulty thinking about how your child will be entertained without more than two hours of screen time, you may need more help with parenting skills.

2. Monitor and restrict your child's use of video games, TV and the Internet

You may feel you should let your child guide their own activities, in the belief that it fosters independence. However, your child does not have the maturity to know what they are developmentally ready for. Therefore, you should collaborate with your child – discuss their likes and dislikes in all media, and make choices based on their readiness and level of challenge needed.

3. Stay updated with research into the effects of video games

At present, research into the effects of video games is in its infancy. Furthermore, research findings are inconclusive, and the video games industry are promoting their own research which, of course, indicate that video games are healthy and harmless.

4. Engage your child in a range of healthy activities
Explore alternative activities for and with your child, and include a range of indoor and outdoor, mental and physical, social and lone activities. The more flexible your child is in adapting to different social settings, tasks and environments, the less likely they are to depend on one way of coping (such as video games, the internet or TV).

5. Teach your child a variety of ways of coping with emotions and disappointments

Think about your child’s temperament, strengths and weaknesses. Which areas does your child need to develop? Does video game playing provide a good excuse to avoid social interactions, for example?
11:01 PM | 0 comments

Get Your Kid to Play Soccer

Written By afradad on Thursday, April 21, 2011 | 3:22 AM

Soccer is the most popular game in the world. No matter where you go you will find people of all ages enjoying dribbling, passing, shooting and tending a soccer ball.

You don’t have to be a player or a coach to teach your child how to play soccer. You need a ball, some sort of goal, and a general knowledge of some basic skills. What follows may inspire you to give it a try.

There are four basic skills in soccer:

    * Dribbling- moving the down the field
    * Ball Control- receiving and trapping the ball
    * Shooting- attempting a goal
    * Goaltending- protecting the goal

These skills can be learned and practiced in the backyard or at a park. You will need a ball of the correct size for your child, shin guards, and something to function as a goal.

When teaching a kid to play soccer, the important thing to remember is that the initial priority should be on making it fun for them. Don't be too pushy and don't expect them to be executing flying scissor kicks within the first few sessions down your local park!

This is the elements that you should consider using when teaching a child to play. I've assumed that we're talking about a young age group, so kids of around four to seven years old.

1. Use a small ball:
A regulation sized soccer ball is quite big for a kid, yet you often see fathers attempting to get their tiny tot to start playing with the same ball that adults play with. A much better approach is to get a mini ball. Less force will be needed to kick it and it will be easier for them to control. It will help them to work on basic ball control and you can upgrade to a larger ball as they get a bit older.

2. To start with, just let them kick and run with the ball:
Don't make things overly technical. Just show them how to kick the ball and then let them have fun. You might want to make a set of goals with two jumpers (or other markers) and then let them take shots at you. Let a few in and congratulate them on how well they're doing. This is all about building their love of the sport. The co-ordination and skill will come later.

3. Encourage them to use both feet:
Too many footballers are restricted to just kicking the ball with their naturally stronger foot. This is totally unnecessary, however, as any kid (if taught early enough) can master kicking the ball with both feet. Okay, they may favour one foot but being able to do the basics with their other foot will make them a much better player in later life. One way to work on this skill is to get them to play wall squash, where they take turns to kick the ball against a wall with their right foot, then left, then right, etc. We used to play a version of this game at school with a tennis ball that adds an extra degree of difficulty.

4. Technical advice:
Now that they're more confident in their co-ordination, start to factor in some technical tips. For example, most kids will tend to kick the ball with their toes, whereas passes should be made with the instep and shooting should be done with the top of the foot. You can also show them how to bring the ball under control, before they hit it. At school, our football coach got us to get into groups of three, arranged in a trinagle shape, and then take turns on passing the ball between us.
3:22 AM | 1 comments

Kids Tips - Become A Better Communicator

Written By afradad on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 11:35 PM

Presentation and projects are part of growing up. You can't do without them and doing them, always seems like a herculean task. Somehow, completing the presentation ideas for kids becomes the last minute job, adding pressure and tension. In the midst of the bunkum, the whole purpose of coming up with presentation ideas for kids, gets lost. The other drawback of lousy presentations is that the audience loses interest. Making effective presentation is a part of learning public speaking techniques, building self confidence and winning a challenge.

Having to speak in front of an audience scares most people, but if your child learns this crucial skill in their childhood you will help them to avoid being ever anxious about speaking in public. Children approach things often in a fearless way. Thus, the sooner you start teaching your child public speaking skills the better. Speaking in front of people – taught at an early age – might help them to become great communicators and leaders one day. A skill and asset that they will keep for the rest of their life.

There are multiple benefits of teaching your child how to speak in front of other people:

* it helps to build their communication skills and confidence
* they learn how to capture the audience’s attention
* they learn to develop charisma
* they learn to write their own speech
* they discover their own potential

Five ideas how you can teach your child great presentation skills:

1.) Be a Role Model and lead by example.
I remember the first video that I recorded and uploaded on YouTube. My 3 1/2 year old daughter was observing me and loved watching it. She is usually quite a shy girl, but she was so inspired from it that she started imitating me and recorded herself by repeating what I was saying. Apart from being already very tech-savvy with an Apple Computer, she loves looking at her own video and since then became generally more confident. If you have a computer with a web cam show your child how to record videos. It’s a lot of fun and they surely love watching themselves. Give them constructive feedback and help them to improve to become really great in it. By watching themselves they will realize how they come across to other people. It’s a great way to learn and improve. Learning by practicing is often the most effective way of acquiring a new skill.

2.) Show them (good and poor) videos of presentations online.
Look on Youtube and other video sharing websites for speeches and presentations. Find some good and some poor examples. Watching poor presentations might teach your child more than watching a good speech. Sit together with your child and discuss: Was it a good or a poor presentation? Why was it good? Why was it poor? What could they (or you) personally apply to my own presentation in the future?

3.) Provide any opportunity to hold speeches in your private circle.
Whenever there is an important event, such as a wedding celebration, an anniversary party, a friend or relative’s birthday, etc. allow your child to speak. The more exposure your child gets to bigger groups the better. Your child will gain a powerful advantage and as adult they will lose their fear of public speaking.

4.) Encourage your child to take on a leadership role at school. If debates or discussions are taking place encourage your child to take the lead and use any given opportunity to practice. Initially it might be difficult for your child to put him/herself outside his/her comfort zone. But getting more involved in school and/or extracurricular activities might turn into an invaluable experience which adds to your child’s learning and skill development.

5.) Let your child join a group in which “Presentation Skills for Kids” are offered such as:

a) Toastmasters: (USA) There is a eight-week program called “Youth Leadership program” in which kids get lots of opportunities to learn how to give powerful presentations, conquer their fears, express their ideas and succeed. For more info check out their website at:

b) Fastrackids: ( (USA, India, Germany, Brazil, Russia etc.) Kids get the chance to hold presentations by being recorded, which then will be shown to their parents. You can watch one of their videos at: I was quite impressed!

c) Kid Power Academy: ( (UK) is a company that helps your child to conquer shyness and become a master communicator.
11:35 PM | 0 comments

Should kids move out the parent's house at the early age ?

There is no set age at which grown children should move out of their parent's/parents' home. Although, of course, moving out is something that is healthy and normal for most young adults, the age at which a person does this often depends on the emotional and financial readiness of the young adult, as well as on the parents and the child's relationship with those parents.

In a minority of situations, there are troubled families in which teens and parents not only don't get along, but create a truly unhealthy situation for all involved. These are circumstances under which agencies working with minor children may get involved and even recommend other living arrangements for the teen.

Maybe here is some reasons a parent may wish a child to move on :

1. Some parents feel that they have met their direct parenting responsibilities and they wish to enjoy their home together, just the two of them;

2. Some children may not wish to abide by the rules and standards of the parents' home and frequently challenge them, causing "debate" and contention;

3. Some children fail to sufficiently share in the expenses of the parents' home while living there, nor the basic responsibilities of maintaining the home, i.e., cleaning throughout, preparing meals for everyone in the household from time to time, doing the family laundry. In other words the child may have grown up to be mostly a "taker", not a "giver".

4. Some parents realize that it is not in the long-term best interests of the child to continue permission to abide in the home. That is, believing that it is time for him/her to get out into the real world, fend for him/herself and become an adult. A normal, non-selfish and properly raised child would look forward to getting out on his/her own with pride.

There are all kinds of reasons good parents may encourage or, as you put it, "force" a young adult to move on in his/her life. Perhaps, one day, you'll become a parent yourself and will understand what is required of proper child rearing.

As a parent here is some tips to get your children ready to move out :
1. Assess the situation as objectively as possible.
    -    Make a list of the reasons you want your child to move out.
    -    Consider whether there is a real reason your child cannot live on his/her own.
    -    Show a united front.

2. Ask your child if s/he wants to move out.
What you want to do is address the verbalized reasons (which, in many cases - but not all - are excuses) one by one, with facts:
    -    "I'm looking for a job." Is that true, really? How often is s/he checking classifieds and job sites? In the meantime, is s/he volunteering so that s/he can make contacts, and can account for any gaps in his/her resume?
    -    I can't afford a place." Is it that your child can't afford a place, or that s/he can't afford a place as comfortable as your place?
    -    "I want to save up for a house, car, grad school, etc." This is probably the most legitimate reason to stick around at home, but only if your child is accountable to it.

3. Treat your child like a person renting a room
    -    Collect rent.
    -    Lay down rules about noise.
    -    Consider not providing meals.
    -    Set standards for cleanliness.
    -    Grant him/her some privacy.
4.    Be firm. This is the most difficult part. If you've done a comprehensive job of laying out the rules and specifying consequences, it's essential to follow through.

do you agree ?!
6:17 AM | 0 comments

Chili : Waitress Served an Alcoholic Drink to a Child

The mother of a four-year-old girl claims that a South Side Chicago Chili's served her daughter an alcoholic drink by accident, at least the third such incident in recent weeks.

Tyree Davis said her daughter, Brooklynn Morris, ordered a chocolate milkshake but instead was served a "Mudslide," a shake made with rum, at a Chili's restaurant on the 1700 block of West 119th Street.

"I was terrified, and I was calm because I basically wanted to make sure my baby was OK," Davis told ABC7. "She was like, 'I don't like it,' and I said, 'You don't like it? Why don't you like it?' And I took a sip. Immediately I could taste the alcohol, it was so strong."

Davis said her daughter had about four sips of the frozen drink before realizing it tasted funny.

"She was saying her stomach hurt her, her head hurt. She was saying, 'I just wanna lay down, Mommy. I just wanna lay down,' and she would close her eyes for a bit and then open them like you do when you are intoxicated," said Davis.

"I want it to never happen again. My goal is, I don't want this to happen to another child," said Davis.

The girl was taken to the hospital, according to NBC Chicago, where she was diagnosed with alcohol ingestion overdose. Her blood-alcohol content was .10, the Daily Mail reports; the legal limit for adult drivers in Illinois is .08.
3:20 AM | 0 comments

Your Kid is Overweight, Parent Should be Responsible

What is obesity?
A few extra pounds do not suggest obesity.  However they may indicate a tendency to gain weight easily and a need for changes in diet and/or exercise.  Generally, a child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10 percent higher than what is recommended for the height and body type.  Obesity most commonly begins in childhood between the ages of 5 and 6, and during adolescence.  Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and 13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult.

What causes obesity?
The causes of obesity are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral and cultural factors.  Basically, obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns up.  If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the children will also be obese.  However, when both parents are obese, the children have an 80 percent chance of being obese.  Although certain medical disorders can cause obesity, less than 1 percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems.

Blame parents for children obesity crisis
A new study has suggested that one of the keys to solving teen obesity crisis starts with parents.

According to a new policy brief released today by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, researchers have found that teens are more likely to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if their parents do and also, teens whose parents eat fast food or drink soda are more likely to do the same.

The cause of the deficit of healthy foods in teen diets has been attributed in part to the high concentration of fast food restaurants in certain cities and neighbourhoods and other environmental factors.

According to center research scientist Susan H. Babey, a co-author of the policy brief, the new study suggests, "good dietary habits start at home. If parents are eating poorly, chances are their kids are too."

The policy brief drew upon the responses of thousands of California teenagers queried by the center-administered California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), the nation''s largest state health survey.

The findings revealed that teens whose parents drink soda every day are nearly 40 percent more likely to drink soda every day themselves than teens whose parents do not drink soda.

Teens whose parents eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily are 16 percent more likely to do the same than teens whose parents do not eat five servings a day.

Nearly half of adolescents (48 percent) whose parents drink soda every day eat fast food at least once a day, while only 39 percent of teens whose parents do not drink soda eat fast food at least once daily.

It was found that 45 percent of teens whose parents do not eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily eat fast food at least once a day, while only 39 percent of teens whose parents eat five servings a day eat fast food at least once daily.

Dr. Robert K. Ross, president and chief executive officer of the California Endowment, said: "The research shows us that one of the keys to solving the teen obesity crisis starts with parents, but we must also improve the abysmal food environments in many low-income communities,"

"While parents are the primary role models for their children and their behaviour can positively - or negatively - influence their children''s health, it is also essential that local officials representing low-income communities work to expand access to fruits, vegetables and other healthful foods," he added.

According to the authors of the policy brief, educating parents about unhealthy food choices, as well as how to plan and prepare healthier fare, would help in reducing teen obesity.
2:30 AM | 0 comments

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